That's a good pun!
That's a good pun!
Good for you! Don't let people get you down
I like the shiny effect you did on the hair
As someone who draws a lot of zebras, I can say with authority, that is a damn good horse.
Thnx, it took.. soooooooooooo long about like two and half hours to sketch the horse
You have a lot of nice details in there. If you squint, it doesn't even look like pixel art.
It looks really nice
thanks :)
I'm a sucker for a T-Rex in clothes.
Yer a furry.
When I was a kid, nothing scared me more than pixelated skeletons in games. This one scares me now.
That is a very cute cactus friend!
I looked at this for way too long. There is so much going on!
Thanks :)
Zebra Humor is the world's most comprehensive zebra joke website and is dedicated to bringing hopelessly hilarious zebra jokes to the masses!
Joined on 3/31/12